
Become a sponsor of the 2020 Hawaii Small Business Conference — timed to coincide with National Small Business Week established by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Your participation will have a ripple effect, helping to encourage ingenuity and profitability that ultimately impacts our community and economy.

We will be updating details in coming weeks.  In meantime, please contact us to discuss.

2019 Sponsorship Kit


“This conference was just phenomenal! It covered the whole spectrum of starting, managing, controlling and growing a business; there were great speakers both local and from the mainland; and educational and inspirational content… This entire experience will help me get my new business on the right track from the beginning and to set up the structure of it.”
Richard Hogeboom, FLEX Maui

Contact us at smallbiz AT medb DOT org about becoming a sponsor of the Hawaii Small Business Conference in 2020.